The NutriMedical Report Show Hour Three Friday Oct 20th 2017 – Dr Bill Deagle MD AAEM ACAM A4M, Vince Finelli, USA Prepares, Power Backup and Reduced Costs, Dealing with Water in Blackouts, Blocking Sewage by Fourth Day in Cities and Towns, Sterile Healthy Food, NutriMeds For Plaques, BTLS BCLS, Ham Radio, Radio Scanners, Personal Perimeter Control, Gun and Non-Gun Personal Protection,

Dr Bill Deagle MD AAEM ACAM A4M, Vince Finelli, USA Prepares, Power Backup and Reduced Costs, Dealing with Water in Blackouts, Blocking Sewage by Fourth Day in Cities and Towns, Sterile Healthy Food, NutriMeds For Plaques, BTLS BCLS, Ham Radio, Radio Scanners, Personal Perimeter Control, Gun and Non-Gun Personal Protection,,,, The NutriMedical Report Show, 


Br. Bill –
How about emergency lighting – the first thing that people do when the power goes out is light candles, and look for their flashlight  (the one with the dead dry cells)
How to install a LED lighting system in the kitchen or critical areas using an 12v to 120v inverter – cost is about $100 or so.
We can power the inverter with our car battery while it is still in the car… and recharge with the car engine.
And we can add a solar panel and charge controller fr longer term outages.
We have eliminated the fire risks associated with candles and kero lamps…
We can also teach how to determine what we need in an emergency by a simple dry run – on Friday at 6PM we shut off all all circuit breakers (except those that are life supporting), we tape off the refrigerator, faucet handles, and toilet flush valves – cell phones are shut off.
For the next three hours we decide how we like it – or don’t like it – and the family sits down around the kitchen table and tries to figure out what to do. During this time they write down what they found that does not work, like the electric can opener, etc. A great fire drill to experience – I have been teaching this for years – but no one will actually do it,
The time to prepare is before, not during or after.
Because Winter is approaching, power outages are almost a certainty for many of us.
All the best,
Vincent Finelli