Your Utility is Giving YOU a WARNING!
Climate WARS
Wind Chill Temperatures Will and ARE “Planned” to Hit -60
and LOWER In The Midwest
EXTREMES are Happening NOW
Global Weather Patterns ARE Being Manipulated
The article, below, is a warning from your utility, and setting people up for the possibility of
power outages due to climate change aka weather attacks.
You are being given a “warning by your utility provider” that you may have a power outage by the utility quote below:
“As the brutal cold settles over southeast Michigan, DTE Energy is asking consumers to know their own power by taking a few steps to reduce energy – one of which is to dial down the thermostat”
“While DTE’s plants are running well, our system is connected to energy grids in other states and Canada that are experiencing issues due to the extreme weather. Because of this, we are asking for your support to ensure everyone can stay warm,”
What you are being told is reduce your energy usage to prevent the grid from going down.
The power could be shut down and blamed on customers for over loading the power grid.
Be Advised and PLAN to get to an alternative source of heat!
DTE Energy suggests customers turn down thermostat among other tips to save energy January 30, 2019
DETROIT (FOX 2) – As the brutal cold settles over southeast Michigan, DTE Energy is asking consumers to know their own power by taking a few steps to reduce energy – one of which is to dial down the thermostat.
Temperatures are -5 with wind chills at minus 40. That all spells for a strong desire to stay nice and warm inside. But all of this use across Michigan, other states, and Canada can put a big draw on the system.
DTE official Christy Wicke explained how the systems are all connected.
“While DTE’s plants are running well, our system is connected to energy grids in other states and Canada that are experiencing issues due to the extreme weather. Because of this, we are asking for your support to ensure everyone can stay warm,” Wicke said.
To help DTE manage the demand, the energy company offered a couple tips:
- Dial down the thermostat several degrees in your home and wear additional layers of clothing.
- Minimize use of electrical appliances and equipment such as washers, dryers, ovens, dishwashers, and humidifiers.
- Turn off all unnecessary lights.
- Open curtains on south-facing windows during the day to allow sunlight to naturally heat the home, and close them at night to reduce the chill from cold windows.
- Use a heavy-duty, clear plastic sheet on a frame or tape clear plastic film to the inside of window frames during the cold winter months. Make sure the plastic is sealed tightly to the frame to help reduce infiltration.
The good news is that the polar vortex ends Friday and we’ll be back in the 40s by the weekend. But the electrical grid has to get through the week first, Wicke said.
“While we’re expecting some relief later in the week from the polar vortex, it’s important that the electrical grid get help from our customers today,” Wicke said. “If every DTE Energy customer does just a little bit, energy demand can be substantially reduced – and that will help maintain reliability of the entire grid during the sub-zero temperatures.”
DTE says it plans for peak demand periods like this by ensuring power plants and substations are in top operation condition. DTE says it also conserves energy at its facilities and postpones maintenance work that impact the operation of power plants when conditions like this merit.
Insider Comment
The United States is under attack by weather weapons!
We are witnessing an economic collapse caused, in part, by weather disasters.
The goal is to usher in the global centralization of governance.
The NWO agencies and corporations will continue to “inventory” ALL natural capital – which is ALL Earth’s resources, while reducing our access to land, water, gas, electricity, food, jobs, transportation, clean air, clean water, and much more.
We will be vaccinated and catalogued and given only essential “vital” resources to sustain life, for those that survive these attacks.
We are told we will be exterminated humanely.
The consolidation of people into “human settlement zones” commonly referred to as Smart Cities will only contain those survivors that do not die from extreme weather conditions and exposure while being homeless and on the streets.
We watch many whither away on the streets in despair!
We as a human family are being transitioned, biologically mutated, physically and psychologically hacked.
These war tactics using a silent weapons system that is set to destroy all that is good and decent.
We ALL face the layered and ever expanding rays of death with wireless frequencies. We are hooked up to a deadly grid of smart electric, gas and water meters, we are bathed in antenna and cell tower radiation and we carry cell phones that cause heart cancer and jam our immune systems.
JFK warned us about this monolithic
and ruthless conspiracy that HAS conspired against us
relying upon covert means for expanding
its sphere of influence-on
– infiltration instead of invasion,
– on subversion instead of elections,
– on intimidation instead of free choice,
– on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day.
This system has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, dipolmatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.
And now, we all know how the worldwide use of fraudulent and criminal accounting practices has funded black budgets which has enabled the use of weather weapons against all of us. The Cabal has greatly expanded the use of directed energy weapons (microwaves) on the general populations and targeting individauls, worldwide, too.
Who are those that would desire exploitation, thirst for power through all means of destruction by sex trafficking, ritual torture, murder for profits, create policies to eliminate populations, poison and pollute the air, water, oceans, and create wars? Keep in mind this is just the short list.
The media broadcasts the results of weather weapons as climate change, it’s to many people using to much stuff.
So hang on, we are promised extreme and worsening climate changes (Use of weather weapons) due to OUR inability to reduce OUR green house gas emissions aka OUR carbon footprint.
Remember, some of the weather weapons of the past Operation Popeye, Operation Nile Blue, Hurricane Michael, Hurricane Florence, the earthquake in Haiti and all the other pre-planned and strategically targeted invasions – using silent weapons for quiet wars.
There are those that will not give up in this battle to inform others of these dangers that we face.
There will be those that will invent methods of survival and we need you, we need you NOW.
Any resistance to Globalism will be punished by these technologies.
What do you think?
(Water is a “Renewable” and We are Not Running Out!
Be Advised and PLAN to get to an alternative source of heat!