NutriMedical Report Show Wednesday Oct 16th 2019 – Hour Three – Jerry Barrett,,Power of Prophecy, MOST Imp Christian News Site for Prophetic Truth, Videos Books, Prophecy of Nuked Damascus, End of Israel, Samson Option, WW3 Now Sealed by Trump’s Action with Kurds, No Peace Except via Jesus, Covenant with Death Signed by Trump,

Jerry Barrett,,Power of Prophecy, MOST Imp Christian News Site for Prophetic Truth, Videos Books, Prophecy of Nuked Damascus, End of Israel, Samson Option, WW3 Now Sealed by Trump’s Action with Kurds, No Peace Except via Jesus, Covenant with Death Signed by Trump, Dr Bill Deagle MD AAEM ACAM A4M, NutriMedical Report Show,,,,,


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Truth Is An Endangered Species


A Hard Left

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News of the Day


Microphones in Amazon’s new smart glasses that give wearer access to Alexa on-the-go could secretly listen in to all conversations within earshot (Daily Mail)

AOC Fails to Pay Back Taxes, Succeeds in Drawing a Primary Challenger (PJ Media)


Pope Rejects ‘Excessive Demand for Sovereignty’, Pushes Idea of Global Authority (CBN News)

You won’t believe what’s in the vaccines being discussed for mandatory vaccinations (Natural News)

Facebook to Buy Startup for Controlling Computers With Your Mind (Cryptogon)

Here We Go Again (Chuck Baldwin)

Bernie Sanders Proves Minimum Wage Critics Right In Latest Response to $15 Fiasco (PJ Media)

It’s Over: The Democrats And The Republicans Are Both Conspiring To Bankrupt America And Destroy Our Future (End Of The American Dream)

Rutgers University Uses Public Funds to Defend Illegal Aliens in Court (Breitbart)

Nearly entire Bay Area sees homelessness surge (Curbed San Francisco)

The New Yorker Finally Sees the Light on Due Process — to Defend Al Franken (PJ Media)

Never-Googlers: Web users take the ultimate step to guard their data (The Hour)

Google Censors Video Exposing Google (Breitbart)

Will you survive the coming blackout? (Fox News)

Christian Persecution 2019 a Scourge of ‘Mammoth Proportions’ (Breitbart)

Spying Police Robots (Daleks) Coming To A City Near You (Mass Private I)

Swedish City Issues Safety Tips To Employees Going Outdoors (Infowars Europe)

Teen Who Said There Are Two Genders Suspended from School (Breibart)



Check Out These Bonus Articles
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Is An Empty Heart the Devil’s Playground?

The Great Conspiracy

Doctrines of Devils and the Great Falling Away—A Reckoning Is At Hand

The Coming of the Green Barbarians and Their Green New Deal

One Nation Under “The Lobby”—Is America Under Their Control?

The New Face of Fahrenheit 451

Gun Owners Beware, They Are Coming For You!—This is Conspiracy Fact, Not Conspiracy Theory

The Progressive Attack on Christian Beliefs

Why Do Today When…?—Is There Scriptural Proof The We Shouldn’t Procrastinate?

Killing Chivalry: Silencing the Echo of God’s Design For Man

Ever Thankful to Our Lord and Saviour—Expressing Gratitude for His Love and Protection

George Soros and Open Society Foundations—Creating His Own New World Order

Does Big Pharma Control America?

2019: The End Game?

There Is No Such Thing As A Kosher Tax—Taxes are collected by the government

Power of Prophecy—A Review and a Look Forward

Social Justice Run Amok

Does History Really Matter Anymore?

What Happened To My Country?

Voices from the Dead #1 New Release in Freemasonry and Kabbalah sections at Amazon

Is Freemasonry the Very Synagogue of Satan?

The Kabbalah: Ultimate Secret of Freemasonry

Voices of the Dead in the Ripper’s Head

A Dead Man Rules the Souls of Freemasons

Rabbi Bar Yochai: Father of Freemasonry, Hater of Christians, and Chief Pedophile of Judaism

A Power of Prophecy Update

The Six Hundred Pound Gorilla—Why Truth Cannot Be Allowed

Twelve Fast Facts About Judge Brett Kavanaugh

Grave Sucking—“Christian” Necromancy in the 21st Century

Full Media Onslaught: Trump Getting McCarthy Treatment

The Holocaust of American Babies

Our Last Invention?

The Zionist Infiltration of the Christian Church

Media’s Obsession With Destroying Trump Ignores Artificial Intelligence and Coming Economic Maelstrom

Are Professional Politicians the Problem?

A Tale of Two Kingdoms and the Victory of Jesus

Prophecy Reveals Truth About Israel’s Future

Genetically Modified Organisms: Food or Fraud?

Blood Covenant With Destiny

Our Elderly: A National Treasure Not A Cash Crop

God is No Respecter of Persons

God is No Respecter of Persons

“Celebrating” 100 Years of Bolshevik and Zionist Lies and Threats

There Was Silence in Heaven: Hell’s Mirror—A Tale of Two Kingdoms

The Dream Team Is Ready for the Challenge

Hell’s Mirror: The Global Empire of the Illuminati Builders

Texe and Wanda Going to Bible Home Church

The Texas Children’s Home Project

More Students, Young Americans Turn to Paganism (Internet Only Exclusive)

Rise and Fall of the Synagogue of Satan

Mystery Babylon Is Doomed

Who Rules Over Us—If the President is not in charge, who is?

“We Didn’t Love Freedom Enough”

The Jewish Messiah Will be the Antichrist—55 Proofs in the Holy Bible

Vladimir Putin Defends Christian Civilization

The Kabbalah and the Illuminati


Amazon Bans Texe Marrs’ Book for “Content”… Holy Serpent of the Jews Reveals Too Much Truth!

Truth Is Victorious

Holy Serpent of the Jews Contains Many Quotes by Authoritative Jewish Rabbis and Judaism Textbooks

Censorship Rears Its Ugly Head Again! (Internet Only Exclusive)

Holy Serpent of the Jews Is Under Fire (Internet Only Exclusive)

Holy Serpent of the Khazarian Mafia (Part I) (Veterans Today)

Holy Serpent of the Khazarian Mafia (Part II) (Veterans Today)

Feast of the Beast—On the Day of Purification Gentiles will be forced to choose… Either be slaves or be dead

Your Gifts for the Children’s Home Are Greatly Appreciated

Texe Marrs’ Books Available in E-Book and Kindle Formats

Atomic Bomb Secrets

Fake News and The Truth


Draining the Swamp—President Trump has a big job ahead. He will be very busy…

President Hillary Clinton Will Usher in Death, Destruction, and Sin

Hillary Clinton Sends Thank You Letter to “Slut” Who Is Proud of Her Sexually Transmitted Disease

The Destroyer: The Antichrist Is At Hand

Excerpts From The Destroyer: The Antichrist Is At Hand

Beelzebub Wins a Prize: A Novelette by Texe Marrs

Rabbis Agree With Jesus: Their “God” is Satan, the Holy Serpent

Holy Serpent of the Jews

Kabbalist Entertainers Use the Serpent for Evil

The Most Colossal Devil Religion Ever

Armenia Ravaged by Communist Jews

Satan’s Choice for Vice President

Donald Trump Has a Target On His Back

Donald Trump, Slayer of New World Order Dragons

Codex Magica Has Been Published in Japan

Strange Sign at Exhibition Place

The Phoenix Program

Does the National Security Agency Possess Divine Power

The Spiritually Empty Christian Establishment: “Moslems and Jews Do Not Need Jesus,” Says the Pope and Other Christian Establishment Leaders

Are the Palestinians the True Racial Jews?—DNA Science: Palestinians Have More Israelite DNA Than Do the Khazar Jews

Jews Furious with Donald Trump

Vatican Tells Catholics Not to Attempt to Convert Jews

Kosher Politics—America’s Presidential Election Masterminded By a Handful of Jewish Mega-Billionaires

Pastors and Churches Gone Wild!

Why Is Albert Pike Honored and Untouchable?—Founder of Ku Klux Klan Statue Stands in the Middle of Washington, D.C., in Judiciary Square

Jesus Is Not A Man, He is the Invisible God

“God is Angry With the Wicked Every Day”

Satanists Control Congress and Presidency

“Will You Walk Into My Parlor?”—Tikkun Olam: When the Jews Ascend the Throne of Absolute Global Dominion…

Christian Evangelicals Fall Off Cliff of Heresy—They Are Into Witchcraft and Are Cursed (Galatians 3:1-10)

Carly Fiorina: First Call as President Will Be to Prime Minister of Israel

One Jesus, One Nation, One Seed, One People

Homosexuals In Israel’s Armed Forces: Jewish Homosexuals Fought Against Romans in Rebellion, 66-70 AD. Now, They’re Back!

New Age Movement is Jewish

Jade Helm, Ramadan, and American Pharaoh (Internet Only Exclusive Article)

Jewish Slave Traders… And Other Illuminati Secrets of the Confederacy (Internet Only Exclusive Article)

Sex Gods and Goddess of Judaism—How Many Pastors Know That Jews Do Not Worship the God of the Old Testament?

Click Here to view a chronological listing of all available articles by Power of Prophecy


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Galatians 6:2: Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. If you are in need of prayer, please email us your request and we will add you to our prayer board. — Jerry, Michelle, and Sandra


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Jerry Barrett is on the air—Listen Now!
Jerry Barrett’s weekly radio program is broadcast 24/7 and is available to listen to now. Click on the Program Title listed below to hear Jerry Barrett’s Power of Prophecy program. Power of Prophecy may also be heard on WWCR 4.840 shortwave radio each Sunday night from 9:00 pm to 10:00 pm Central time.

Click to hear this week’s Power of Prophecy program by Jerry Barrett FREE:

Cecelia Ducette, Director of Education Services for

The Health Risks of WiFi, 5G, and How to Protect Yourself

Jerry Barrett is pleased to welcome Cecelia Ducette to the show.

(Order your personal copy of this powerful program in either Tape or CD)

Products related to this week’s broadcast:

13 Pieces of the Jigsaw
The Hidden Dangers of 5G Technology (TAPE) or (CD)
Mind Control: HAARP & The Future of Technology (DVD)
Culture of Death—The Age of “Do Harm” Medicine

When his teenage son Christopher, brain-damaged in an auto accident, developed a 105-degree fever following weeks of unconsciousness, John Campbell asked the attending physician for help. The doctor refused. Why bother? The boy’s life was effectively over. Campbell refused to accept this verdict. He demanded treatment and threatened legal action. The doctor finally relented. With treatment, Christopher’s temperature—which had eventually reached 107.6 degrees—subsided almost immediately. Soon afterward the boy regained consciousness and was learning to walk again.

This story is one of many Wesley J. Smith recounts in his award-winning classic critique of the modern bioethics movement, Culture of Death. In this newly updated edition, Smith chronicles how the threats to the equality of human life have accelerated in recent years, from the proliferation of euthanasia and the Brittany Maynard assisted suicide firestorm, to the potential for “death panels” posed by Obamacare and the explosive Terri Schiavo controversy.

332 Pages ~ Wesley J. Smith ~ $18.00
Click Here to Order Your Copy Today!

Molon Labe: How the Second Amendment Guarantees America’s Freedom

History has demonstrated time and again that, to the degree citizens are unarmed or disarmed, government suppression and tyranny are inevitable. The Founders of the United States knew these lessons well. This is why the U.S. Constitution not only acknowledges and guarantees the “right to keep and bear arms”—but the DUTY to be well-organized as State Militia reporting to their respective governors.

But this duty, as well as the Militia, are often misunderstood. As a result, the gun-control lobby has been steadily eroding the original intent of the Founders by passing unconstitutional gun control laws, funding a standing, global army, and destroying the 300-year old Militia system established by We the People.

MOLON LABE explores the “power of the sword” and how it guarantees American’s freedom. The film includes such notables as: Ron Paul, Pat Buchanan, Chuck Baldwin, Alex Jones, G. Edward Griffin, Edwin Vieira, Jr., Stewart Rhodes and Larry Pratt.

117 Minute DVD ~ $20.00
Click Here to Order Your Copy Today!

Mind Control: HAARP & The Future of Technology

HAARP is a large antenna array system designed and built in the 1980s and originally intended as a military defense project against Russian missile attacks.

Some of the secondary features of the HAARP system however, proved to be more interesting than simply radar and communications disruption. By focusing resonant frequencies into the ionosphere, HAARP can create signals of extreme low frequency that can actually affect the human brain.

The discovery of this technology has lead the military and the private sector to explore technologies that use resonant frequencies to effect how people think and feel. The human body is largely electro-chemical, and by interfering with certain frequencies scientists can alter how the human body will react. These interferences can be used for positive aspects such as meditation and relaxation, but they can also be exploited for more nefarious purposes such as creating stress, confusion, and the sensation of psychosis or schizophrenia in a targeted individual.

Featuring an exclusive interview with writer and researcher Dr. Nick Begich, Mind Control: HAARP & The Future of Technology looks at how research into electro-chemical reactions and frequency response has changed the ability of military operators to turn our computer-guided world against us.

Click Here to Order Your Copy Now!
70 Minutes Plus Special Features ~ DVD ~ $20.00

13 Pieces of the Jigsaw

In 2013, James Perloff published his landmark primer on the New World Order Truth Is a Lonely Warrior. In the years since, online, he has expanded on many details from that book, as well as filling in holes with new research. In Thirteen Pieces of the Jigsaw, he gathers some of his most unique, significant and popular online posts, available for the first time in paperback form:

  • Why we fought the Spanish-American War
  • The deceptions that dragged America into World War I
  • A unique account of the Hindenburg’s destruction
  • Pearl Harbor: Roosevelt’s 9/11
  • The Korean War’s orchestration and agenda
  • Why Nagasaki was targeted for the atomic bomb
  • A mysterious “Best Picture” Oscar explained
  • The real reason there was a “Golden Age of Television”
  • Making sense of the supernatural (Aliens/UFOs . . .)
  • Christian Zionism’s hidden history
  • What is really happening in Syria
  • The unpublicized health dangers of wireless technologies
  • Who fired “The Shot Heard Round the World?”

Thirteen Pieces of the Jigsaw is the ideal companion book to Truth Is a Lonely Warrior.

Click Here to Order Your Copy Now!
292 pages • James Perloff • $20

VAXXED: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe

In 2013, biologist Dr. Brian Hooker received a call from a Senior Scientist at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) who led the agency’s 2004 study on the Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) vaccine and its link to autism.

The scientist, Dr. William Thompson, confessed that the CDC had omitted crucial data in their final report that revealed a causal relationship between the MMR vaccine and autism. Over several months, Dr. Hooker records the phone calls made to him by Dr. Thompson who provides the confidential data destroyed by his colleagues at the CDC.

Dr. Hooker enlists the help of Dr. Andrew Wakefield, the British gastroenterologist falsely accused of starting the anti-vax movement when he first reported in 1998 that the MMR vaccine may cause autism. In his ongoing effort to advocate for children’s health, Wakefield directs this documentary examining the evidence behind an appalling cover-up committed by the government agency charged with protecting the health of American citizens.

Interviews with pharmaceutical insiders, doctors, politicians, and parents of vaccine-injured children reveal an alarming deception that has contributed to the skyrocketing increase of autism and potentially the most catastrophic epidemic of our lifetime.

Click Here to Order Your Copy Now!
91 Minutes • DVD • $25

Summer, 1945: Germany, Japan and the Harvest of Hate

This book is about crime and the evil things evil men do. Despite being perhaps the most pivotal moment of the modern era, despite books devoted to virtually every other aspect of World War Two, over the past seventy years none has seen fit to devote a book to these critical four months of world history—the summer of 1945. In those crucial four months—months of so-called “peace” for Germany, months of absolute hell for Japan—the worst crimes known to man, the worst crimes committed by man, the worst crimes committed against man, all occurred and all were committed, then hidden, under a virtual shroud of silence, secrecy and darkness.

Click Here to Order Your Copy Now!

Voices From the Dead

“The candidate is solemnly led into the darkened room. It is hung with black tapestry. A sepulchral lamp is suspended from the vaulted ceiling. In the middle is a mausoleum above which is a coffin. In the coffin lies a knight, wrapped in a white shroud, his face veiled. On the platform of the mausoleum are three skulls… Suddenly, from the coffin a frightening voice is heard, ‘Thou who comes hither to disturb my rest fear my wrath. What is thy wish?’”

The fearful candidate quickly sees this is not a Christian service. But, what is it? He will soon understand the many exhibitions of grotesque black magic, the foul sorcery, and the solemn oath he must take that will forever bind him to evil and to the underworld. He is fated to become a 30 degree Knight Kadosh of the Masonic Lodge. He is told he cannot turn back.

Here, in the pages of this extraordinary book, you will discover the hidden secrets of Freemasonry. They are wrapped up in the sinister 30th Degree. The Masonic candidate will there meet Rabbi Bar Yochai, the long dead but suddenly alive man in the coffin. He will take four solemn oaths and he will be damned for doing so. His faith shall henceforth be the Mystery religion of Freemasonry. His guide shall be the Jewish Kabbalah. His destiny will be everlasting hell.

Texe Marrs • 160 pages • $18.00

Click Here to Order Your Copy of Texe Marrs’ Newest Book,
Voices From the Dead

Blood Covenant With Destiny—The Babylonian Talmud, the Jewish Kabbalah, and the Power of Prophecy

They broke God’s Covenant. They betrayed and crucified their Messiah, Jesus Christ. They made a horrible covenant with death and agreement with hell. Now come the inevitable consequences. They are about to suffer the utmost tragedy, a result of their unspeakable Blood Covenant With Destiny.

Discover how Bible Prophecy will soon totally smash the Jewish Nation and reduce its wicked Babylonian Talmud and Kabbalah to ashes. Jesus, Moses, Elijah, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Daniel and the Apostles have spoken. God’s truth will prevail.

Texe Marrs • 224 Pages • $20.00

Click Here to Order Your Copy Today!

“They don’t think like you do…”

Hell’s Mirror: Global Empire of the Illuminati Builders

Hell’s Mirror is the first book to unravel the warped and perverted minds of the Illuminati Elite. These wicked and diabolical men and women are doubleminded, and they are building a strange two-faced globalist empire right before our eyes.

Here you will discover the inner secrets of these “Builders.” You will actually see their astonishing architectural creations and understand now their sinister projects—dark buildings, monuments, statues, and parks—are all part of Satan’s endtime system.

You will be shocked to find out about the “obituary cult,” an exclusive, underground group of super-rich charlatans bent on destroying the Old World and replacing it with almost a carbon copy of Hell’s Kingdom.

Throughout human history, these notorious gangsters have organized secrets societies based on their worship of Lucifer and their demonic-inspired ideas. Today, their globalist empire is almost at its zenith. Soon, they will be given the magic word by their Master, Lucifer, and the earth will be swept up instantly into a dramatic, human-killing bordello of death, sex, and consummate evil.

Discover now, in these pages, how they view your life and mine as unworthy of their grandeur. The scary conclusion is that the Illuminati Elite are not truly human. They don’t think like you do.

Texe Marrs’ Newest Book! ~ 224 pages ~ $25.00

Click Here to Order Your Copy Now!

Feast of the Beast

“The Day of Purification is when Gentiles will be forced to choose… Either be slaves or be dead!”

This is the first book written for both Gentiles and Jews which fully explains the doctrines of kabbalistic Judaism pertaining to the events of the Last Days. Kabbalistic Judaism teaches that when the Messiah of the Jews comes, the Jews will universally celebrate the Feast of the Beast. This will be a time of great joy as their Messiah promotes the Jews to godhood. He will make the Jews to reign over the whole earth as wise rulers and kings.

But the wretched Gentiles will be demoted. Their wealth will be taken from them and be given to the Jews. What’s more, all Gentiles will be given a choice. Either they will agree to become the slaves of their Jewish Masters or they will be killed. The Earth and its riches shall be the sole heritage of the divine Jewish race.

And exactly who is this Messiah who will promote the Jews to godhood and elevate them to global power while smiting the Gentiles? The Jewish Kabbalah tells us his name. You will be both shocked and dismayed to discover his identity.

Click Here to Order Your Copy of
Texe Marrs’ Newest Book Now!
96 Pages ~ $15.00

The Destroyer: The Antichrist Is At Hand

We have been forewarned. For over 2,000 years our forefathers whispered in awed tones that he was coming. Now, the Destroyer is at hand. The Bible assigns him the unimaginable number 666. He is said to be a psychopath: calculating, cruel and murderous. Lawless, he will nevertheless change times and laws. He is called by Daniel the “God of Forces;” yet he will destroy many through peace.

He will begin by rising from the pit of hell in that Great City, Jerusalem, known spiritually as Sodom and Egypt. In the Hebrew tongue, his name is Abaddon (“The Destroyer”) and in the Greek, Apollyon. Christians will know him simply as the Antichrist. Prepare now so that you will not be taken by surprise. He is at hand.

Texe Marrs’ Newest Book!
192 Pages ~ $20.00

To Order Your Copy Today Click Here

Unmasking the Most Colossal Devil Religion Ever

Today, we are on the threshold of a horrifying new epoch of Jewish history. Now, comes the Holy Serpent, slithering from his fiery abode in hell to wreak havoc upon humanity. Jesus once declared, “Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers. How can ye escape the damnation of hell?”

Amazingly, the Jews have proven to be exactly what Jesus prophesied. They are the People of the Serpent, unregenerated hypocrites whose religion is unparalleled in its treachery, its wickedness, and its unbounded filth.

Making its way on stage is the most colossal devil religion ever. The People of the Serpent have awakened Abaddon and the Beast is rising. The Holy Serpent of the Jews is on the move and ready to strike.

Texe Marrs ~ 224 Pages ~ $20.00
To Order Your Copy Today Click Here

Trump’s Embassy & Israel’s 70 Year Observation
How To Recognize War Propaganda
SHOCKING VIDEO: Satanic Ritual Opening Of World’s Longest Rail Tunnel
Click Here to view informative video clips

Order your copy of these outstanding videos today!

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Hot Topic—Available Now
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Feature Article—October 2019 Newsletter

Truth Is An Endangered Species


A Hard Left

Whom Do You Believe?

Jesus told the Jews, “The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.” (Matthew 21:43)

Why, then, are Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and millions of evangelical Christians lying?

DNA Unearths Stunning Secrets:
Jews Are Khazars!

Who are the Jews? What is their ancestry? Are the Jews a homogenous race? Are Jews descended from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob?

Today, DNA science reveals that almost all the Jews in the world come from Khazaria. They are not of the blood lineage of Abraham and the prophets, but of King Bulan and the pagan peoples of the Caucasus. The ancestors of today’s Jews are not Israelites but are Khazarians. Now, everything changes!

256 Pages • Texe Marrs • $20.00
Click Here to Order Your Copy Today!

Publishing, Foreign and Subsidiary Rights, and Bookstore Orders

Foreign and subsidiary rights to the bestselling books and videos of Texe Marrs and other authors of our publishing company, RiverCrest Publishing, are available. Also, quantity discounts are available for retail bookstores and organizations

Please Click Here for our RiverCrest Publishing website and information

Eye-Opening Revelations and Forbidden Knowledge About Israel,
the Jews, Zionism, and the Rothschilds

Shocker! Rothschild has a dark, secret plan for America—and you’re not going to like it. He’s also got conspirators working inside the U.S. government and in the White House. These men and women have no love for America and its citizens. Instead, they constantly plot with Wall Street bankers and socialist revolutionaries to destroy our nation and seek to forge in its place a tyrannical New World Order. Unbelievable? Well, you won’t think so after you have read the documented facts revealed in this groundbreaking book.

432 Documented Pages ~ $25.00 ~ Texe Marrs

Conspiracies are very real. Here is proof that the world is more strange—and far more evil and dangerous—than you and I can even imagine. Conspiracy World—A Truthteller’s Compendium of Eye-Opening Revelations and Forbidden Knowledge presents topics that are as timely as today’s news and cover a sizzling multitude of conspiracies, scandals, investigations, and coverups.

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October 16, 2019

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O Say Can You See?
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Tape or CD
Artificial Intelligence at Our Doorstep
Tape or CD
Criminals on Parade (2-Hour Set)
Tape or CD
Jesus Came From Galilee
Tape or CD
We Are At War With the Unamericans
Tape or CD