Tag: SonicLife

NutriMedical Report Mon April 20th ’20 H1 CCPVirusNutriMedProtect

Top NutriMeds, KardioVasc, PainAway, Super Folate TR, Stop Mitochondrial Damage from Cytokines Free Radicals, Prevent Illness and Stealth Organ Damage, NAZI Nanotech Weapons, eToxins 5G PLUS Viral Induced Mitochondrial Altitute Sickness Solutions and Restart Economy, NO Chipping or MOB Mark of Beast System, Public PRotests NOW, END Lockdown Intelligently Boost Host Defenses, Kill Virus and…

NutriMedical Report Fri April 17th ’20 H3 CCPVirus_DrOtt_5GNativeDeath

Dr True Ott PhD ND, Four Corners Navaho Indian Deaths, 5G eToxin Deathes, Spread of 5G Parallel to Most Lethal COnsitions for Spread of CCP Virus, Nanotech ATP Attack, Simple to Prevent Spread, Dr Bill’s Video Update TODY Friday April 17th 2020 Video Testing Isolation Viral Suppresion Rescue Reanimation of Economies of EARTH All Countries…

NutriMedical Report Fri April 17th ’20 H2 CCPVirus_DrFord_NAZINanotech

Dr Greg Ford CIA MD Intel Agent, NAZI Nanotech Weapons, eToxins 5G PLUS Viral Induced Mitochondrial Altitute Sickness Solutions and Restart Economy, NO Chipping or MOB Mark of Beast System, Public PRotests NOW, END Lockdown Intelligently Boost Host Defenses, Kill Virus and STOP Spread NOW, Protect STOP CCPVirus Energy Mitochondrial Damage NOW, MAGI Iron Pulsed…

NutriMedical Report Fri April 17th ’20 H1 CCPVirus_HealthOptimizedNOW!

Michelle Deagle Host, Dr Bill Deagle MD Healing Protocols Answers to eMails and Calls to NutriMedical.com, Protect STOP CCPVirus Energy Mitochondrial Damage NOW, MAGI Iron Pulsed Magnetic Antiviral Therapy, Block ATP Attack by Nanotech Bioweaponized Virus CCP COVID19 SARS CoV-2, END of Pandemic Improve Cell Mitochondrial Energetic DEFENSES, STOP CCP COVID19 Viral Damage to Cellular…

NutriMedical Report Thurs April 16th ’20 H3 CCPVirus_Ott_MAGIATPHeals+

Dr True Ott PhD ND, MAGI Iron Pulsed Magnetic Antiviral Therapy, Block ATP Attack by Nanotech Bioweaponized Virus CCP COVID19 SARS CoV-2, END of Pandemic Improve Cell Mitochondrial Energetic DEFENSES, STOP CCP COVID19 Viral Damage to Cellular ATP Mitochondrial Energetics, Optimized NutriMeds Protocols, Customized Advanced Activated Formulas and Protocols for Virus Blocking Mitochondrial Rescue, Iron…

NutriMedical Report Thurs April 16th ’20 H2 CCPVirus_RoyalATPRescueNOW

Dr Dan Royal DO JD, TurtleHealingBandClinic.com, Las Vegas NV, Intergrative Care for Cancer Detox Viral Sepsis, Mitochondrial Scalar ELF Rescue, STOP CCP COVID19 Viral Damage to Cellular ATP Mitochondrial Energetics, Optimized NutriMeds Protocols, Customized Advanced Activated Formulas and Protocols for Virus Blocking Mitochondrial Rescue, Iron Nitrix Oxide Blocked by 5G 60 GigaHertz Radiation, Viral Blocked…

NutriMedical Report Thurs April 16th ’20 H1 CCPVirus_OptimizedNutriMed

Optimized NutriMeds Protocols, Customized Advanced Activated Formulas and Protocols for Virus Blocking Mitochondrial Rescue, Iron Nitrix Oxide Blocked by 5G 60 GigaHertz Radiation, Viral Blocked ATP Production, MAGI ELF Therapy to Block Virus and ELF Pollution, Epigenetic Frequency Therapy, Protect Seniors Mitochondria, Panels Vit D Minerals Antioxidants, Restart WORK, STOP ViraGeddon Famine and Depression NOW,…

NutriMedical Report Wed April 15th ’20 H3 CCPVirus_MAGI_BlockELFVirus+

Dr True Ott PhD ND, Iron Nitrix Oxide Blocked by 5G 60 GigaHertz Radiation, Viral Blocked ATP Production, MAGI ELF Therapy to Block Virus and ELF Pollution, Epigenetic Frequency Therapy, Protect Seniors Mitochondria, Panels Vit D Minerals Antioxidants, Restart WORK, STOP ViraGeddon Famine and Depression NOW, END Shutdowns, Protect Seniours, Get Back to WORK, Jail…

NutriMedical Report Wed April 15th ’20 H2 CCPVirus_DrFord_BioWeaponNOW

Dr Greg Ford, Platinum BioWeapon Oxidation, VX Nerve Gas Neuromuscular Blocker Suffocation and Paralysis Weapon, ViraGeddon CCP COVID19 Mitochondrial Attack on ATP, Hypoxic Cell Death, Protect with Antioxidants Vit D Intracellular Zinc, USE First Line of Defense Kit PLUS, Protect Seniors Mitochondria, Panels Vit D Minerals Antioxidants, Restart WORK, STOP ViraGeddon Famine and Depression NOW,…

NutriMedical Report Wed April 15th ’20 H1 CCPVirus_SonicLife_Lumen_H2O

Jim Cole, SonicLife, Whole Body Chiro Bone Stim Pain Control, EpiGenetic Frequency Therapy SONG of DNA Therapy, Lumen Photon IR 7 settings Pain Healing Detox Mitochondrial Healing, Anti-inflammatory, NEW Device Coming for Computer Directed EpiGenetic Lumen Infrared Light Therapy with Pads and Dr Bill’s New Tech, Pure Water Systems, RV Apartment Home Business Whole Home…

NutriMedical Report Tues April 14th ’20 H3 CCPVirus_SpringAmericaWORK!

John W Spring, Protect Seniors Mitochondria, Panels Vit D Minerals Antioxidants, Restart WORK, STOP ViraGeddon Famine and Depression NOW, END Shutdowns, Protect Seniours, Get Back to WORK, Jail Drs. Birx and Fauci, FIRE Vaccine Maniacs,  Spring Nutritional Data Vitamin D Mitochondrial Antioxidant Polyphenols, First Line of Defense Kit Plus, Mitochondrial Protective Immune Solutions, STOP Loss…

NutriMedical Report Tues April 14th ’20 H2 CCPVirus_BernsteinSpringNOW

Josh Bernstein, www.Patreon.com/JoshBernstein, END Shutdowns, Protect Seniours, Get Back to WORK, Jail Drs. Birx and Fauci, FIRE Vaccine Maniacs,  Spring Nutritional Data Vitamin D Mitochondrial Antioxidant Polyphenols, First Line of Defense Kit Plus, Mitochondrial Protective Immune Solutions, STOP Loss of ATP and Protect Cell Oxidative Metabolism, Food Power Protection Local LEAF Groups, Prep Now, Power…

NutriMedical Report Tues April 14th ’20 H1 CCPVirus_ATPMitochondriaNOW

Latest CCP COVID19News Epoch Times, A to Z NutriMeds Protocols and Formulas, Mitochondrial Protective Immune Solutions, STOP Loss of ATP and Protect Cell Oxidative Metabolism, Food Power Protection Local LEAF Groups, Prep Now, Power Food Self Protection, Local LEAF Local Eternal Annoited Fellowship of Christian Survivors, Prepare for Economic Meltdown, Forced Chippin and Injected ID…

NutriMedical Report Mon April 13th ’20 H3 CCPVirus_Moore_PrepOutOfHarm

John Moore, TheLibertyMan.com, Radio Show Republic Radio and Videos, Military Expert on Prepper Actions, Food Power Protection Local LEAF Groups, Prep Now, Power Food Self Protection, Local LEAF Local Eternal Annoited Fellowship of Christian Survivors, Prepare for Economic Meltdown, Forced Chippin and Injected ID Chip Coming Must be RESISTED, Restart America Now Safely with Food…

NutriMedical Report Mon April 13th ’20 H2 CCPVirus_Tavares_PrepNOWLEAF

Deborah Tavares, STOPtheCrime.net, New Videos Expose, Prep Now, Power Food Self Protection, Local LEAF Local Eternal Annoited Fellowship of Christian Survivors, Prepare for Economic Meltdown, Forced Chippin and Injected ID Chip Coming Must be RESISTED, Restart America Now Safely with Food Immune Support, NO ID Passport to Travel, NO Chipping or Forced Vaccines of Sterility,…

7 Syergist Herbs Heart and Vascular

NutriMedical Report Mon April 13th ’20 H1 CCPVirus_KardioVasc_PainAway

Farid, KardioVasc, 7 Synergistic Perfusion Heart Vascular Formula, PainAway Anti-inflammatory Pain Cream, Super Folate TR 5HTHF Activated, Methylation Support, Need for Mitchondrial Perfusion ATP Support for Immune Protection, How to Win In Court, Dr Fred Graves, Three Boxes, Voting BOX, Witness BOX, Cartridge BOX, ALL Three needed for LIBERTY and AUTONOMY, Order the Course Now,…

NutriMedical Report Fri April 10th ’20 H3 CCPVirus_PaughOttUSAFreeNOW!

Pastor Butch Paugh, PastorButch.com, Restart America Now Safely with Food Immune Support, NO ID Passport to Travel, NO Chipping or Forced Vaccines of Sterility, Dr True Ott PhD ND, Event 201 Globalist Collaborators with Wuhan BSL4 Chinese Bioweaopon Development, CFR Case Fatality .37% Only with Most Cases Asymptomatic, With Proper Natural Support NO One Needs…

NutriMedical Report Fri April 10th ’20 H1 CCPVirus_BoostDefenses!

Michelle Deagle HOST, Dr Bill Deagle MD, Provision of Boosting Host Defenses, Protect Mitochondria ATP Energy, Stop Pathogenic Cytokine Storms, Health and Recovery Naturally, Improve Nutrition and Cellular Protection Physiology, Prevent Mitochondrial Damage NutriMeds Plus Scalar Tech SonicLife, MAGI MiniMAGI Cellvital Mat QRS Mat Photon Sound Beam, Lumen Photon NEW Frequency Generators, Review of NutriMeds…

NutriMedical Report Wed April 9th ’20 H3 CCPVirus_Royal_FORD_VirusWars

Dr Dan Royal DO JD, Turtle Healing Band Clinic, First Nations Medical Board, Mitochondrial Damages by F1 Protein, Natural IV and Oral Therapies, Cell Vital Mat, QRS Mat, MAGI and MiniMAG ELF Mat, Terrane of Immune Function Key to Recovery, Rescue Cell ATP, Prevent Mitochondrial Damage NutriMeds Plus Scalar Tech SonicLife, MAGI MiniMAGI Cellvital Mat…

NutriMedical Report Wed April 9th ’20 H2 CCPVirus_FORD_AntiVirals

Dr Greg Ford CIA MD Renditioned Iraq, USA X3 Iraq Bioweapon Labs to Wuhan Dr Liu 2010 to Make S Protein Reverse Genetic Engineered Human Cell Entry, Mitochondrial F1 Protein ATP Attack by Virus CCPVirus, Rescue Cell ATP, Prevent Mitochondrial Damage NutriMeds Plus Scalar Tech SonicLife, MAGI MiniMAGI Cellvital Mat QRS Mat Photon Sound Beam,…