Tag: SonicLife

NutriMedcialReportFRI24thSept21 H2 AZAuditFraud TRUMPWon2020 BIDENGone

AZ Audit Fraud, TRUMP Won 2020, BIDEN Gone Soon, End Dominion,EduCap Launch Soon, A to Z NutriMeds Answers to Callers eMails Protocols Wellness Solutions. Maricopa AZ Audit Expose Friday Sept 24th, END PASSPORTS for VACCINES, Forced Vaccine Passports Failing Aussies, END of Global Grand RESET, KardioVasc, PainAway Cream, Super Folate TR, EduCap Patent Ready for…

NutriMedicalReportFRI24thSept21 H1 EduCapCOVIDImmune AtoZNutriMedsTech

EduCap Launch Soon, A to Z NutriMeds Answers to Callers eMails Protocols Wellness Solutions. Maricopa AZ Audit Expose Friday Sept 24th, END PASSPORTS for VACCINES, Forced Vaccine Passports Failing Aussies, END of Global Grand RESET, KardioVasc, PainAway Cream, Super Folate TR, EduCap Patent Ready for WORLD, License Nations to All Peoples NOW, Vaccine Resuce Pre…

NutriMedicalReportTHURS23rdSept21 H2 ENDVaccineMandatesUSA COLLAPSEUSA

Maricopa AZ Audit Expose Friday Sept 24th, END PASSPORTS for VACCINES, Forced Vaccine Passports Failing Aussies, END of Global Grand RESET, KardioVasc, PainAway Cream, Super Folate TR, EduCap Patent Ready for WORLD, License Nations to All Peoples NOW, Vaccine Resuce Pre and Post, First Line of Defense, COMING SOON EduCap SAFE Total COVID and Variant…

NutriMedcialReportTHURS23rdSept21 H1 LEAVESofTREEofLIFE AtoZNutriMeds!

Forced Vaccine Passports Failing Aussies, END of Global Grand RESET, KardioVasc, PainAway Cream, Super Folate TR, EduCap Patent Ready for WORLD, License Nations to All Peoples NOW, Vaccine Resuce Pre and Post, First Line of Defense, COMING SOON EduCap SAFE Total COVID and Variant TOTAL Immunity Cellular T Cell and Humoral B Cell, A to…

NutriMedcialReportWED22ndSept21 H2 SPECIALDARPA2017VaccineTOXINSTOPNOW

STOP Vaccines Trump Return, END VaccinoCide Genocide, WAKE UP OR HAPPY CAHONES DAY, BIDEN UN Meeting, Forced Vaccine Passports Failing Aussies, END of Global Grand RESET, KardioVasc, PainAway Cream, Super Folate TR, EduCap Patent Ready for WORLD, License Nations to All Peoples NOW, Vaccine Resuce Pre and Post, First Line of Defense, COMING SOON EduCap…

NutriMedicalReportWED22ndSept21 H1 SonicLifeLumenPureH2OENDForcedVaccn

WAKE UP OR HAPPY CAHONES DAY, BIDEN UN Meeting, Forced Vaccine Passports Failing Aussies, END of Global Grand RESET, KardioVasc, PainAway Cream, Super Folate TR, EduCap Patent Ready for WORLD, License Nations to All Peoples NOW, Vaccine Resuce Pre and Post, First Line of Defense, COMING SOON EduCap SAFE Total COVID and Variant TOTAL Immunity…


WAKE UP OR HAPPY CAHONES DAY, BIDEN UN Meeting, Forced Vaccine Passports Failing Aussies, END of Global Grand RESET, KardioVasc, PainAway Cream, Super Folate TR, EduCap Patent Ready for WORLD, License Nations to All Peoples NOW, Vaccine Resuce Pre and Post, First Line of Defense, COMING SOON EduCap SAFE Total COVID and Variant TOTAL Immunity…

NutriMedicalReportTUES21stSept21 H1 happy CAHONEDaySTOPRESET UNWHO NOW

BIDEN UN Meeting, Forced Vaccine Passports Failing Aussies, END of Global Grand RESET, KardioVasc, PainAway Cream, Super Folate TR, EduCap Patent Ready for WORLD, License Nations to All Peoples NOW, Vaccine Resuce Pre and Post, First Line of Defense, COMING SOON EduCap SAFE Total COVID and Variant TOTAL Immunity Cellular T Cell and Humoral B…

NutriMedicalReportMON20thSept21 H1 KardioVascPainAwaySuperFolateEduCap

KardioVasc, PainAway Cream, Super Folate TR, EduCap Patent Ready for WORLD, License Nations to All Peoples NOW, Vaccine Resuce Pre and Post, First Line of Defense, COMING SOON EduCap SAFE Total COVID and Variant TOTAL Immunity Cellular T Cell and Humoral B Cell, A to Z NutriMeds Protocols with Dr Bill Deagle MD, SonicLife, Lumen…

NutriMedicalReportMON20thSept21 H2 BIDENNoFocedVaccineGRANDRESETEduCap

BIDEN UN Meeting, Forced Vaccine Passports Failing Aussies, END of Global Grand RESET, KardioVasc, PainAway Cream, Super Folate TR, EduCap Patent Ready for WORLD, License Nations to All Peoples NOW, Vaccine Resuce Pre and Post, First Line of Defense, COMING SOON EduCap SAFE Total COVID and Variant TOTAL Immunity Cellular T Cell and Humoral B…

NutriMedicalReportfri17thSept21 H2 FDABoosterFrankenShotsSeniorsCRIMES

FDA Serior Shots Crimes, Ignore Delta Version, Michelle CFO and Dr Bill Deagle MD CEO Answers to Callers Email Health Issues, FDA Fake Committee to Force Senior Booster Shots, TRUMP Implication in Deep State Vaccine Pandemic, TRUMP Must Repent of Vaccines or Return as AntiChrist Leader of USA and World, TOP NEW NutriMeds wit h…

NutriMedicalReportfri17thSept21 H1MichelleDrBillDeagleMDAnswersVaccine

Michelle CFO and Dr Bill Deagle MD CEO Answers to Callers Email Health Issues, FDA Fake Committee to Force Senior Booster Shots, TRUMP Implication in Deep State Vaccine Pandemic, TRUMP Must Repent of Vaccines or Return as AntiChrist Leader of USA and World, TOP NEW NutriMeds wit h Ryan Frace and Dr Bill Deagle MD,…

NutriMedicalReportTHUR16thSept21 H2 TRUMPMustRepentVaccineGlorySTOPNOW

TRUMP Implication in Deep State Vaccine Pandemic, TRUMP Must Repent of Vaccines or Return as AntiChrist Leader of USA and World, TOP NEW NutriMeds wit h Ryan Frace and Dr Bill Deagle MD, A to Z Review NutriMeds Tech Water Peptides, Vaccines with Luciferase and Graphine Oxide Mind Net and Cell Phone Linked Tracking and…

NutriMedicalReportTHUR16thSept21 H1 VaccineDeathGrandResetNutriMedsNOW

TOP NEW NutriMeds wit h Ryan Frace and Dr Bill Deagle MD, A to Z Review NutriMeds Tech Water Peptides, Vaccines with Luciferase and Graphine Oxide Mind Net and Cell Phone Linked Tracking and Behavior modification Mark of Beast Globalists Systems, SonicLife, Lumen Photon IR, Pure Water Systems, Vaccine Resuce Pre and Post, First Line…

NutriMedicalReportWED15thSept21 H1 SonicLifeLumenPureWaterCOVIDRescue+

SonicLife, Lumen Photon IR, Pure Water Systems, Vaccine Resuce Pre and Post, First Line of Defense, COMING SOON EduCap SAFE Total COVID and Variant TOTAL Immunity Cellular T Cell and Humoral B Cell, A to Z NutriMeds Protocols with Dr Bill Deagle MD, SonicLife, Lumen Photon, Pure Water Systems, Peptides, New NutriMeds ProBioHeal BerberStatinPro NeoVasc,…

NutriMedicalReportWED15thSept21 H2 GlobalSatanicMinkdNetworkVaccines+

Vaccines with Luciferase and Graphine Oxide Mind Net and Cell Phone Linked Tracking and Behavior modification Mark of Beast Globalists Systems, SonicLife, Lumen Photon IR, Pure Water Systems, Vaccine Resuce Pre and Post, First Line of Defense, COMING SOON EduCap SAFE Total COVID and Variant TOTAL Immunity Cellular T Cell and Humoral B Cell, A…

NutriMedicalReportTUES14thSept21 H2 VaccineQRCodeMarkofBeastWORLDRevel

Greg  Caton, John W Spring, Simon Davis, END Game Crash Food and Economy Mark of Beast Being Forced on WORLD NOW, A to Z NutriMeds Protocols with Dr Bill Deagle MD, SonicLife, Lumen Photon, Pure Water Systems, Peptides, New NutriMeds ProBioHeal BerberStatinPro NeoVasc, Recent Added Red Yeast Rice for Lipids Heart Vascular,  ALERT Dangers of…

NutriMedicalReportTUES14thSept21 H1 AtoZNutriMedsUpdateVaccineRescuNOW

A to Z NutriMeds Protocols with Dr Bill Deagle MD, SonicLife, Lumen Photon, Pure Water Systems, Peptides, New NutriMeds ProBioHeal BerberStatinPro NeoVasc, Recent Added Red Yeast Rice for Lipids Heart Vascular,  ALERT Dangers of Booster FrankenShot Fake Vaccine ADE Immune Cause of Crisis and DEATH, BIDEN Crimes of Forced Vaccines of Death Unconstitutional Crimes, Death…

NutriMedicalReportWED8thSept21 H2 NWOCollapseQueenChinaBanksRESCUESoon

NWO Collapse, Quenn STOPs Global Grab Reset of Her Assets, END Of China Attack on Taiwan Soon, Alliances for Ezekiel 38 39 Forth Soon, SonicLife, Lumen Photon IR, Pure Water Systems, Vaccine Rescue First Line of Defense, Coming Soon EduCap New Corporation USA, Resuce First Line of Defense Kit and Vaccine Pre and Post and…

NutriMedicalReportWED8thSept21 H1 SonicLifeLumeIRPureH2OCOVIDRescueNOW

SonicLife, Lumen Photon IR, Pure Water Systems, Vaccine Rescue First Line of Defense, Coming Soon EduCap New Corporation USA, Resuce First Line of Defense Kit and Vaccine Pre and Post and NEW EduCap Oral Exosomal Vaccines, John W Spring, Simon Davis FL, Gary Richard Arnold, Dr Bill Deagle MD AAEM ACAM A4M CIME CCFP TOX…