The NutriMedical Report Show Hour Three Thursday March 15th 2018 – President Trump’s Response to John W Spring Letters in March 2018, Will Post with Response, Improve Intel for Better Outcome in Negotiations, Humane Food Supply to Starving North Koreans, No War Crimes Tribunal, Collaborate with China Japan on Coal Conversion Project, Shared Profits, Infrastructure, Farms, Tech Training Programs, End Armistace Peace Accord Started, DeNuclearization of Korean Peninsula,

President Trump’s Response to John W Spring Letters in March 2018, Will Post with Response, Improve Intel for Better Outcome in Negotiations, Humane Food Supply to Starving North Koreans, No War Crimes Tribunal, Collaborate with China Japan on Coal Conversion Project, Shared Profits, Infrastructure, Farms, Tech Training Programs, End Armistace Peace Accord Started, DeNuclearization of Korean Peninsula, Dr Bill Deagle MD, NutriMedical Report,,,, 


John Walton Spring

Post Office Box 18946

Anaheim, California 92817

[email protected]


March 15, 2018





Dear Friends,


“Beware of the ides of March.” Julius Caesar asked Brutus who gave that warning of his death. Brutus informed Caesar that it was a soothsayer, a person who is supposed to foresee the future. The Caesar replied to Brutus, “Et tu, Brute,” which meant that he would also be murdered. Well, today is March 15, which is the ides of March. For the record, I am still hoping to reach my next birthday on March 19th, which would be the beginning of my 79th year.


So, if I am unable to be on Hour three, next Tuesday, March 20, 2018 at 2:00 pm PT or 5:00 pm ET, with Dr. Bill Deagle, perhaps it may be due to the ides of March.


I shall be on The Nutrimedical Report Show with Dr. Bill Deagle, a physician, and also Jonathan Gray, an ancient biblical archaeologist, during Hour Three, today, Thursday, March 15, 2018 at 5:00 pm ET or 3:00 pm PT and I invite you to listen on the podcast. If you are unable to hear us today, this podcast will be recorded and archived by tomorrow. So I would encourage you to listen as soon as possible. With kindest regards.





John W. Spring
















John Walton Spring

Post Office Box 18946

Anaheim, California 92817


March 14, 2018


The President

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20500




Dear Mr. President:


Thank you for your letter of March 7, 2018 describing your National Security Strategy (NSS). It was an honor for me hear from you on matters regarding foreign policy and our national security. Although you mentioned “In addition, to protect Americans from threats emanating from outside our borders, we will deploy a layered missile defense system to defend our homeland against attacks from states such as North Korea and Iran,” we do not have any effective Missile Defense System in operation and based upon the leadership in the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) whose policies were radically revised during the Obama Administration, it is rather doubtful if the R&D required for a “Manhattan Project”-like program will actually happen within our future of need.


While I commend you for accepting an invitation from Kim Jong Un for a summit meeting, it is my hope that large shipments of food can reach North Korea in time to curtail its famine where so many people are currently starving in that impoverished nation. Furthermore, the economic plan for a deal with Pyongyang that I have proposed may encourage Kim to denuclearize if U.S. technology is allowed to remove rare earth elements from Anthracite coal and produce metals of far greater value than $100 per metric ton in addition to its estimated $6 trillion in minerals.


Due to limited allotted space, I shall discuss the Middle East and the South China Sea later.





John W. Spring










John W. Spring

P.O. Box 18946

Anaheim, CA 92817

[email protected]


March 13, 2018





Dear Friends,


Yesterday, the following statement was made by me in my email that was sent yesterday to the President: “Based upon my geopolitical accomplishments, I probably have an IQ beyond 220, which is why I am hoping to meet with you tomorrow during your visit to California or at another time soon.” Today, I expressed a warm welcome to him, which said “Welcome to California! But we shall need to re-schedule our meeting for another time when you are back in Washington.”


With the recent firing of John McEntee and Rob Porter, there is a possibility that my emails will actually reach President Donald J. Trump.


However, the following was also mentioned by me today, “Besides the apparent dilemma that I may face when my email reaches the White House by never knowing if it ever reaches your desk inside the Oval Office, is knowing that so much of current foreign policy, which is related to national security, is based upon marginal intelligence received from various agencies after being analyzed by incompetent geopolitical analysts.”


Then, I concluded by saying the following, “While I am optimistic about you having a highly-productive and very successful summit meeting with Kim Jong Un, we must always stay alert and remain vigilant concerning adversaries as well as enemies, but also aware of those persons in Washington who actually support global interests.”


While modesty may be a virtue at times, this is a time when we must speak out with the truth.





John W. Spring








John W. Spring

P.O. Box 18946

Anaheim, CA 92817


March 10, 2018


The President

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20500




Dear Mr. President:


Based upon my geopolitical accomplishments, I probably have an IQ beyond 220, which is why I am hoping to meet with you tomorrow during your visit to California or at another time soon.


If it were possible for me to be part of a Special Envoy on a preliminary mission to North Korea, I might be able to perceive some phenomena that might possibly be overlooked by your official personnel and staff. However, because I have never had the honor of meeting with you face-to-face, I may actually understand Kim Jong Un better due to my earlier encounter with him several years ago. Unless, I should have the honor of meeting with you, it would be difficult for me to try answering any questions that Kim might ask me about you. So, without ever meeting you in person, I could only convey my most positive and respectful impressions about you. If it is at all possible during your coming visit to California, I would like to have the honor of at least meeting with you for a brief period of time so that you will become America’s greatest President.


As a very goodwill gesture on your part, which would not be part of my original economic plan for a deal with North Korea, if large shipments of food could be sent to that impoverished nation at this time, it might help to improve negotiations with Kim during this coming spring. Based on information that I have received, the famine is now so bad in North Korea that soldiers have been ordered to leave their units so they might be able to find other sources of food because rations are now so low. Yes, I am aware of the possibility that only a marginal amount of any food shipment might actually reach starving civilians and the risk that soldiers would then take on an aggressive stance and possibly invade South Korea. However, at this time, we must be willing to provide at least some food to the starving before negotiations commence. Thank you for your consideration.






John W. Spring




John W. Spring

P.O. Box 18946

Anaheim, CA 92817

[email protected]


March 9, 2018




Dear Friends,


As a geopolitical analyst whose main specialty has been the realms of East Asia and the Pacific for the past 55 years as well as the person who provided President John F. Kennedy with analytic reports related to the Soviet deployment of nuclear ballistic missiles in Cuba a year in advance of the Cuban Missile Crisis, after South Korean National Security Adviser Chung Eui-yong arrived in Washington to present President Donald J. Trump with an official invitation to negotiate with Kim Jong Un, the President made a very wise decision to accept Kim’s offer. However, if it were possible for the Trump Administration to change the location for a neutral meeting place, Bern in Switzerland would be much better than Panmunjom on the DMZ where fighting could break out to cause an unexpected incident.


From my perspective, I would enjoy seeing Kim once again face-to-face and, perhaps, this time, being able to actually shake his hand and possibly even speak with him briefly. But of far greater importance would be the presentation of my economic plan for a deal with North Korea, which might prove to be an incentive for Pyongyang to actually denuclearize. My plan provides for the use of American technology to remove and produce rare earth metals from Anthracite coal in addition to North Korea’s estimated $6 trillion in other mineral reserves.


If it would be possible for me to meet with President Trump during his forthcoming visit to California, my ideas could be shared with him in greater depth and I could reveal some of my past accomplishments to him that would not be appropriate for me to mention in this manner.





John W. Spring



Note: Although my contacts and close friends have been receiving my articles and letters for quite some time, recently I have noticed “new arrivals” added to my list. If you actually do not wish to receive any further contact from me, please let me know so that I can then remove your name and email address from the computer’s list. However, I shall not plan to respond to any comments that might be included with such a request. Thank you. JWS




John W. Spring

P.O. Box 18946

Anaheim, CA 92817

[email protected]


February 20, 2018





Dear Friends,


So little time remains from my economic deal with Pyongyang, that is, if it had ever reached the President. My proposed plan for an economic deal with North Korea still might prevent athermonuclear war that would kill an estimated 170 million Americans and 24 million North Koreans as well as millions of South Koreans, Japanese and Chinese. Unfortunately, we are very rapidly running out of time for considering and possibly making such a deal.


Although I would advise that talks should begin immediately, its actual implementation must not occur until Pyongyang halts all of its biological, chemical, cyber, electromagnetic, missile andnuclear programs, which would need to be confirmed by UN inspectors from neutral nations.


Due to North Korea’s abundance of mineral deposits that have an estimated value of $6 trillion, it would be possible to also extract rare earths in its anthracite coal with American technology, which is now able to remove these elements and produce metals with an ion-exchange process by using an environmentally safe solution of ammonium sulfate developed on campus at Penn State University with the U.S. Department of Energy that requires far less energy.


Please keep in mind that my proposed plan for an economic deal with North Korea needs to be considered at once. I would suggest that Secretary of Energy Rick Perry should also be contacted on this matter. However, if we should fail to act at once on this matter that could become an incentive for denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula, we may very soon find ourselves becoming involved in a thermonuclear war as early as this spring in 2018. So I would encourage all of you to actually write an email or letter to President Donald J. Trump at the White House as soon as possible. It could help to make all of the difference in the world. Thank you. JWS













John W. Spring

P.O. Box 18946

Anaheim, CA 92817

February 16, 2018


The President

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20500




Dear Mr. President:


Please review and study my plan for an economic deal with North Korea now because its ICBMs are able to strike all of the continental United States with thermonuclear warheads in less than 35 minutes after being launched from the Korean Peninsula and America does not have any Missile Defense System to stop them from reaching their targets that would be our largest cities.


Because we are now at the highest level of alert since the Cuban Missile Crisis, an economic deal with North Korea could possibly prevent a thermonuclear war that would probably kill as many as 170 million Americans of an estimated population of 324 million, which is nearly 52 percent of all people currently living in the United States.


Although North Korea’s vast mineral deposits are already worth more than $6 trillion that does not include their potential value if U.S. chemical and mining technology for the removal and also the production of rare earth metals from its anthracite coal with an ion-exchange process usingammonium sulfate, which is environmentally safe and requires far less energy. So Pyongyang’s very high quality anthracite coal that is only worth about $100 per metric ton would take on a far greater value, which would provide that currently impoverished nation with a greater standard of living with a much higher quality for all of its people.


While the precondition for implementing my plan, which is based on the R&D already taken at Penn State University, must require not only the denuclearization of North Korea as well as the end of all of its chemical warfare, electromagnetic and missile programs that would need to be verified by UN inspectors from various nations, it should be presented to Pyongyang as a very good incentive for the regime of Kim Jong Un to consider such a proposal at a time when the UN embargos and sanctions still exist before all hell breaks loose. Because if Kim reaches that “point of no return” when all of his options soon fade away, he may finally decide to strike at America.





John W. Spring

John W. Spring

P.O. Box 18946

Anaheim, CA 92817


October 27, 2017

The President

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20500





Dear Mr. President:


Although I have attempted to commemorate the 55th Anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis, October 16-28, 1962, during this month, as an Economic Geographer, it is rather important for me to mention that, despite the outdated information at the U.S. Geological Survey or USGS, North Korea may now have the largest deposits of Lithium, Rare Earths and Precious Metals in the entire world.


Lithium batteries are now used in most portable electronic devices. However, due to the already increasing demand for battery powered electric vehicles, its value is increasing at an exponential rate. China and the “Lithium Triangle” located in parts of Argentina, Bolivia and Chile or ABC inSouth America currently have the largest known deposits. But the amounts of Lithium found inNorth Korea may be even greater than all of the rest of the world combined.


Rare Earths are now being used in the most advanced electric motors and North Korea has far more rich deposits of them than does China, which makes it the world’s largest source.


Precious Metals are also very abundant in North Korea, which probably has the world’s largest supply of these ores that are also in great economic demand


In retrospect, I wonder if North Korea is being “set-up” to be destroyed so that its vast ores and minerals might later be exploited by a corporate or foreign entity. It seems as if, within so few years, Pyongyang has been able to develop its missile and nuclear programs mainly with the help of an outside source, which has not yet been verified. As a result, the current ICBM threat with athermonuclear warhead launched from the Korean Peninsula would cause that nation to become obliterated before an American city would be completely destroyed. But a designated or targeted American city would still be destroyed due to the lack of an effective Missile Defense System. So, with my aforementioned information, I am rather confident you could make a deal with Kim Jong Un that would benefit him and lead to his nation soon becoming a denuclearized country.




                        John W. Spring