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Interview guest: Veteran USMC Matt Riccardi
Topic: U.S. Marine on how to avoid future Mandalay Massacres
Suggested introduction:
Our guest today is Matt Riccardi, a United States Marine veteran running for Governor of New Jersey running a platform promising never to restrict gun rights of American citizens even in the aftermath of the worst mass-murder shooting in American history.
Suggested Interview Questions:
QUESTION #1: In your experience as a Marine Combat Instructor, what can you tell us about the motives of the gunman?
ANSWER: Terrorism is based on achieving goals. The goals of this gunman are unknown, but there is no doubt he wasn’t a lone wolf and he was very intent on doing serious damage and striking fear into the hearts of those concert goers.
QUESTION #2: What can we do in light of this act of terrorism to make America more secure?
ANSWER: Terrorism is truly difficult with which to be proactive but we cannot allow the actors to obtain their goals of government crackdown and massive military action. So, we need to be vigilant in our approach to intelligence, but we certainly cannot restrict the rights of our people, particularly the 2nd Amendment.
QUESTION #3: How can we members of a civilized society move forward from the Mandalay Massacre?
ANSWER: It is incumbent upon us to focus on the political divide in this nation. We cannot heal without there being a starting point. The rhetoric over the past 50 years has caused a demonization of the opposition with regards to both parties. The only way to move forward is through Leadership coalescing around a common principle our Constitution.
QUESTION #4: Why are some in leadership positions in our country critical to helping the public form an opinion that ensures freedom and safety in our world?
ANSWER: Attitude reflects leadership. The public reacts and behaves according to our leadership. If the leaders are taking backroom bribes or being indicted for social injustices against the constituents they are supposed to be representing, how can we expect the People to do any better?
QUESTION #5: As a 30-year-old-Millennial, what do you envision leaders from your generations can do to restore trust and integrity in public service?
ANSWER: We must make it a point to bring integrity and accountability back to government and we must make it a point to abide by the Constitution.
QUESTION #6: How can we unite as citizens of a Republic split between factions clamoring for gun-control versus those who embrace Constitutional freedoms including The Second Amendment?
ANSWER: The reality is, the majority of Americans aren’t for gun control. Most Americans are for the right to keep and bear arms. They recognize as did our founders that the 2nd Amendment is the amendment to protect all others and without it we are vulnerable to tyrannical rule or an outside force taking over. The key to healing any divide is, and will always be, leadership. Our leaders need to back of the total war of partisanship and embrace the Constitution.
QUESTION #7: For those who appreciate your leadership skills and vision for America, where might they be able to get further information on your positions or to support your bid for Governor of New Jersey?
They may find my campaign at and on Twitter @Riccardi4NJ