The NutriMedical Report Show Hour Three Tuesday August 29th 2017 – Jason Burgess Former Centcom USA Technician Intel – Current State of Missle Defenses USA and Allies – THADD Patriot Defenses – Plasma Interferrometry Scalar Missle Defense – Tesla Plasma Ground Based Anti-missle Systems Under developed – Dr Bill’s Laser-Net Gerald Bull Linear Accelerator Brilliant Pebbles Kevlar Spidersilk Ballistic Space Net Antimissle Warhead Defense System – Afghanistan Pakistani Obama Engagement Errors – Trump New Afghanistan Pakistans Wipe Out ISIS Al Queda Taliban and Warlords of Opium War Trails! – Geoengineered Hurricane Harvey Globalist Probable Attack on Republian Texas and New Orleans !

Jason Burgess, Former Centcom USA Technician Intel , Current State of Missle Defenses USA and Allies , THADD Patriot Defenses , Plasma Interferrometry Scalar Missle Defense , Tesla Plasma Ground Based Anti-missle Systems Under developed , Dr Bill’s Laser-Net Gerald Bull Linear Accelerator Brilliant Pebbles Kevlar Spidersilk Ballistic Space Net Antimissle Warhead Defense System , Afghanistan Pakistani Obama Engagement Errors , Trump New Afghanistan Pakistanis Wipe Out ISIS Al Queda, Taliban and Warlords of Opium War Trails! , Geoengineered Hurricane Harvey, Globalist Probable Attack on Republian Texas and New Orleans !,,,, The NutriMedical Report Show,