The NutriMedical Report Show Hour Three Wednesday Dec 27th 2017 – 7 for Heaven SALE! – John W Spring, North Korea Nuclear Decapitation or Negotiated Peace, China Permits North Korean Weapons of Mass Destruction, Russia Collaborated Guidance Systems, Dangers of Iran and Venezuela, Missile Shield Layer 4 Laser Net Ballistic Warhead Defense, See Video on Vimeo and YouTube Update Coyle DOD by Dr Bill Deagle MD AAEM, Predictions for 2018 War Finances Economy Trump Agenda,

 John W Spring, North Korea Nuclear Decapitation or Negotiated Peace, China Permits North Korean Weapons of Mass Destruction, Russia Collaborated Guidance Systems, Dangers of Iran and Venezuela, Missile Shield Layer 4 Laser Net Ballistic Warhead Defense, See Video on Vimeo and YouTube Update Coyle DOD by Dr Bill Deagle MD AAEM, Predictions for 2018 War Finances Economy Trump Agenda, NutriMedical Report, ,,, Dr Bill Deagle MD AAEM ACAM A4M, 


John W. Spring

P.O. Box 18946

Anaheim, CA 92817

                                    [email protected]                          

December 27, 2017



Dear Friends,


I hope you had a wonderful Merry Christmas and I wish you a very Happy New Year in 2018.

But while we in America are enjoying our Christmas and New Year holidays, North Korea is considering the newly imposed sanctions by the UN Security Council as “an act of war” against the regime of Kim Jong Un at Pyongyang. Unfortunately, high-ranking officials in Washington are apparently unaware that the North Korean Hwasong-15 ICBM is able to strike any place in the United States with a thermonuclear warhead, which is actually a Hydrogen Bomb!


Due to my earlier encounter with Kim Jong Un several years ago, I may have an advantage in being able to understand his mindset better than most. He is willing to make calculated risks if it is possible for him to take precautions. Kim has travelled to the West and is very interested in it.


Jeffrey Lewis, who is a scholar at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey in California, says, “In the end, the only way to halt North Korea’s missile and nuclear progress may be to somehow convince the country’s leaders that it is in their best interest to actually stop it themselves.—North Korea, which has already developed nuclear weapons, is a considerably more difficult case. But if nothing is done, their progress will continue apace—we imagine that we can physically prevent people from doing this, but it is not so easy.”


Although I may have a plan that Kim Jong Un cannot refuse, it would require a meeting with you at the White House or at another location where you would be present. But due to the secrecy it entails, I cannot risk discussing it on the telephone, writing about it on Internet or even in a letter. So I must arrange to meet directly with you very soon because time is of the essence.


For the record, I am the same person who provided JFK with the analytic reports that later led to former Soviet ballistic missiles and thermonuclear warheads deployed to Cuba before the Cuban Missile Crisis while still an undergraduate student in 1961 at Long Beach State College, which is now California State University, Long Beach. My action then saved 170 million American lives.


Today, Wednesday, December 27, 2017, at 2:00 pm PST or at 5:00 pm EST, I shall be on, again, with Dr. Bill Deagle, M.D. during the third hour of his informative program, The NutriMedical Report Show, which is on the Internet at I may also be a guest next week on Tuesday, January 2, 2018 at the same time of 2:00 pm PST or 5:00 pm PST. Happy New Year!





John W. Spring