The NutriMedical Report Show Hour Two Friday Dec 29th 2017 – 7 for Heaven SALE!, Harley Schlanger,, Mueller Report Criminal Legalist Coup V. Trump, Belt and Road USA Offer by China, Russian Mediator with North Korean Nukes, Multipolar World at Peace, Trump Agenda v. McMaster Globalist Plots, British Intel Dossier, Rise of State Border Controls in Europe, Push for Europe Wide Military,

7 for Heaven SALE!, Harley Schlanger,, Mueller Report Criminal Legalist Coup V. Trump, Belt and Road USA Offer by China, Russian Mediator with North Korean Nukes, Multipolar World at Peace, Trump Agenda v. McMaster Globalist Plots, British Intel Dossier, Rise of State Border Controls in Europe, Push for Europe Wide Military, Dr Bill Deagle MD, NutriMedical Report Show,,,,