Quantum Functional Medicine looks to the underlying quantum physics, genetics, epigenetics, biochemistry, toxicology, stealth pathogens and disease causing deficiencies or excessive needs for minerals, nutrient and biomolecules, that are the basis for aging and disease. QRMA and Metapathia Quantum Predictive Scans with a Consultation from Dr Bill Deagle MD AAEM ACAM A4M, can find underlying patterns that will lead to future illness and disease, and help unveil causes of current illness and allow you to achieve Optimized Wellness and Regenerative Antiaging Healing. Our USA and other country testing sites chosts are included. By the summer of 2017, we include Jim Guerci at www.PPRDI.com in NYC, USA and John Mazzone in Fayettville Arkansas, USA at www.QuantumPros.com. Contact them for a Full Consult and Quanutm QRMA and Metapathia Scans. With additional test kits sent to your home on consult, that confirm suspected issues and imbalances your health can be optimized and illness reversed with medical grade nutraceuticals, stem cell supporting peptides and stem cell supportive regeneration.
Link for LiveStream Simulcast Videos on QRMA Metapathia Scans and Consults
The NutriMedical Report Show Hour One Tuesday April 3rd 2018 – Ryan, NutriMeds Team, Why Do You Only NutriMed with Dr Bill Deagle MD AAEM ACAM A4M?, Examples, Power C PLUS, Omega Supreme Pro, Cell Defense Plus, BrainMAG, 5 HTP CRoss, STRESStoGO, GlycemX, VitaMineralMAX, Albion Mineral Chelates, Template Supplements for Your Stem Cell to Regenerate You!, Peptide Therapies per Organ Augmented by NutriMeds,
Ryan, NutriMeds Team, Why Do You Only NutriMed with Dr Bill Deagle MD AAEM ACAM A4M?, Examples, Power C PLUS, Omega Supreme Pro, Cell Defense Plus, BrainMAG, 5 HTP CRoss, STRESStoGO, GlycemX, VitaMineralMAX, Albion Mineral Chelates, Template Supplements for Your Stem Cell to Regenerate You!, Peptide Therapies per Organ Augmented by NutriMeds, Dr Bill Deagle MD…
The NutriMedical Report Show Hour One Friday March 30th 2018 – EASTER PASSOVER SPRING 7 FOR HEAVEN SALE, MARCH 29TH TO MIDNIGHT APRIL 11TH, FREE SHIPPING USA OVER $99, COUPON CODE RISEN, Michelle and Dr Bill answer your health issues with solutions, Periodontal Disease, Cataracts, Macular Changes, Esophagitis, Hiatal Hernia, Gastritis, Dysbiosis, IBS, Heart Hypertension, Peripheral Neuropathy, Chronic Pain, Joint Degeneration, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Diabetes, Weight Loss, Hypothyroidism, Thinning Hair, CollagenMAX, CoQ10 Supreme Ubiquinol for Gum Disease, Peptide Therapy, eGFT epiGenetic Frequency Therapy, SonicLife Exercise and eGFT,
EASTER PASSOVER SPRING 7 FOR HEAVEN SALE, FREE SHIPPING USA OVER $99, COUPON CODE RISEN, Michelle and Dr Bill answer your health issues with solutions, Periodontal Disease, Cataracts, Macular Changes, Esophagitis, Hiatal Hernia, Gastritis, Dysbiosis, IBS, Heart Hypertension, Peripheral Neuropathy, Chronic Pain, Joint Degeneration, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Diabetes, Weight Loss, Hypothyroidism, Thinning Hair, CollagenMAX, CoQ10 Supreme…
The NutriMedical Report Show Hour Two Thursday March 29th 2018 – Jim Cole, SonicLife, Wonderful Exercise Metabolic Boost, Nitric Oxide, Lymphatic Pump, CBD Cannabidiol Oil Nanotech Liposomal Second in Blood and Brain, Lubicant for LIFE, AntiStress AntiPain, Get Involved Sign Up MLM Great Health Benefits with Our NutriMeds and Technologies, Richard and Recovery from Renal Failure Prostatism, Metapathia to Advanced Renal Tests Specialists Imaging, NutriMeds and Renal Prostate Peptides, Stem Cell Regenertion, Return in a Month with Progress, New Type of Interventional Functional Quantum Diagnostics to Confirmatory Images and Labs, Stem Cell Regeneration RED Deer Velvet in a month, Peptides Now, Stemedica Stem Cell Transplant Soon, Healing and Organ Regeneration, Antiaging Miracle,
Jim Cole, SonicLife, Wonderful Exercise Metabolic Boost, Nitric Oxide, Lymphatic Pump, CBD Cannabidiol Oil Nanotech Liposomal Second in Blood and Brain, Lubicant for LIFE, AntiStress AntiPain, Get Involved Sign Up MLM Great Health Benefits with Our NutriMeds and Technologies, Richard and Recovery from Renal Failure Prostatism, Metapathia to Advanced Renal Tests Specialists Imaging, NutriMeds and…
The NutriMedical Report Show Hour Two Tuesday March 27th 2018 – Nutriodine, Plasma Monatomic Iodine, Pathogen Killer, Halide Detoxifier, Mitochrondrial Biogenesis, Redox Cellular Energizer, KardioVasc, Seven Synergists Herbal Extracts, STOP Plaque Heart Disease Vascular Injury, Prevent Heart Attack Stroke DVT Deep Vein Thrombosis, Reduce Blood Cytokines Viscosity,
Nutriodine, Plasma Monatomic Iodine, Pathogen Killer, Halide Detoxifier, Mitochrondrial Biogenesis, Redox Cellular Energizer, KardioVasc, Seven Synergists Herbal Extracts, STOP Plaque Heart Disease Vascular Injury, Prevent Heart Attack Stroke DVT Deep Vein Thrombosis, Reduce Blood Cytokines Viscosity, Dr Bill Deagle MD, www.NutriMedical.com, NutriMedical Report Show, www.ClayandIRON.com, www.Deagle-Network.com,
The NutriMedical Report Show Hour One Tuesday March 27th 2018 – Ryan, NutriMeds Team, Cameo top NutriMeds, Power C PLUS, Cell Defense Plus, CoQ10 Supreme, Living Probiotic Ultra, Gamma E Plus, Cell Detox Glutathione, Ultra Thiamine B1, KardioVasc, Living Probiotic, AllicinMED, Nutriodine, NutruSilver, NutrImmune 26Y, NutriDefense, Pathogenesis Before Symptoms, Intervention Before Disease, Quantum Predictive Testing Before Confirmatory Labs Imaging,
Ryan, NutriMeds Team, Cameo top NutriMeds, Power C PLUS, Cell Defense Plus, CoQ10 Supreme, Living Probiotic Ultra, Gamma E Plus, Cell Detox Glutathione, Ultra Thiamine B1, KardioVasc, Living Probiotic, AllicinMED, Nutriodine, NutruSilver, NutrImmune 26Y, NutriDefense, Pathogenesis Before Symptoms, Intervention Before Disease, Quantum Predictive Testing Before Confirmatory Labs Imaging, Dr Bill Deagle MD AAEM ACAM A4M,…
The NutriMedical Report Show Hour Two Monday March 26th 2018 – Russ, Process of Metapathia and Functional History Review, Confirmation with Labs Imaging, Consultative NutriMeds and Technologies, Retesting to confirm progress preventing illness and reversing disease,
Russ, Process of Metapathia and Functional History Review, Confirmation with Labs Imaging, Consultative NutriMeds and Technologies, Retesting to confirm progress preventing illness and reversing disease, Dr Bill Deagle MD AAEM ACAM A4M, www.NutriMedical.com, NutriMedical Report Show, www.ClayandIRON.com, www.Deagle-Network.com,
The NutriMedical Report Show Hour One Friday March 23rd 2018 – FIRING LINE WELLNESS ?? ANSWERED, HOST MICHELLE DEAGLE, DR BILL DEAGLE MD AAEM ACAM A4M, Glaucoma, Senile Macular Degeneration, Bronchitis, Coronary Artery Disease, Cancer, Peripheral Neuropathy, Plantar Fasciitis, Hip Osteoarthritis, Painful joints, Dermatitis, Dysbiosis, Hiatal Hernia, Gastritis, Duodenitis,
FIRING LINE WELLNESS ?? ANSWERED, HOST MICHELLE DEAGLE, DR BILL DEAGLE MD AAEM ACAM A4M, Glaucoma, Senile Macular Degeneration, Bronchitis, Coronary Artery Disease, Cancer, Peripheral Neuropathy, Plantar Fasciitis, Hip Osteoarthritis, Painful joints, Dermatitis, Dysbiosis, Hiatal Hernia, Gastritis, Duodenitis, Dr Bill Deagle MD AAEM ACAM A4M, www.NutriMedical.com, NutriMedical Report Show, www.ClayandIRON.com, www.Deagle-Network.com,
The NutriMedical Report Show Hour Two Tuesday March 20th 2018 – Russ Metapathia Consult, Karatbank Coins, KaratPay, KaratBars GOLD, Worldwide Euthereum GOLD Alliance, Alternative to MOB Mark of the Beast System Coming, Lloyd and Jim Show Steps to Buy Coins, Join KaratBank, Buy GOLD and KaratPay eWallet,
Russ Metapathia Consult, Karatbank Coins, KaratPay, KaratBars GOLD, Worldwide Euthereum GOLD Alliance, Alternative to MOB Mark of the Beast System Coming, Lloyd and Jim Show Steps to Buy Coins, Join KaratBank, Buy GOLD and KaratPay eWallet, Dr Bill Deagle MD, NutriMedical Report Show, www.Deagle-Network.com, www.ClayandIRON.com, www.NutriMedical.com, Metapathia Hunter Scan,
The NutriMedical Report Show Hour One Tuesday March 20th 2018 – Marcia Metapathia Consult, Word of Knowledge, Power of Conventional Testing Imaging, Interventions to Restore Health, Priesthood of Health, Serve God First Care of Mankind, Ancient Cohen In Our Day,
Marcia Metapathia Consult, Word of Knowledge, Power of Conventional Testing Imaging, Interventions to Restore Health, Priesthood of Health, Serve God First Care of Mankind, Ancient Cohen In Our Day, Dr Bill Deagle MD AAEM ACAM A4M, NutriMedical Report, www.NutriMedical.com, www.Deagle-Network.com, www.ClayandIRON.com,
The NutriMedical Report Show Hour One Thursday March 15th 2018 – NutriMeds Protocols Healing Technologies, eGFT epiGenetic Frequency Therapy, mp3 Mineral Resonant Mixes Soon for Illness States, Promotion of Genetic Activation,
NutriMeds Protocols Healing Technologies, eGFT epiGenetic Frequency Therapy, mp3 Mineral Resonant Mixes Soon for Illness States, Promotion of Genetic Activation, Dr Bill Deagle MD AAEM ACAM A4M, NutriMedical Report, www.NutriMedical.com, www.ClayandIRON.com, www.Deagle-Network.com,