NutriMedical Report Wed April 1st ’20 H2 COVID19_Ponte_TRUMP_Bubble$$$
Lowell Ponte, Trump Explodes Economy with Printing 2.2 Trillion US Dollars, END to Value Super Charged Non-Women or N0n-Productive Economy, MARK of Beast COMING SOON, A to Z Plan to BioPhilia Scan Case Viral Vertor People, Place on Viral and Cytokine Suppressive Therapies in Isolation Until VIRU FREE, Release to Work in Less than 2…
NutriMedical Report Wed Mar 25th ’20 H2 COVID19_Ponte_PlagueWarfareUSA
Lowell Ponte, Warfare Strategies of COVID19, Demon-Rat Pork in Rescue Trillion Dollar Bill, Cell Defense Cur-Q-Gold, SonicLife EpiGenetic Antiviral RegenerativeStem Cell Pain Relief, Lumen Photon IR Pain Healing STOP Inflammation Induce Sleep Heal Eyes Brain, Pure Water Systems, Four Phases, Cleanest Water on Earth, Whole Home Systems, COVID19 is NOT A DRILL !!!, Poor CDC…
NutriMedical Report Wed Mar 4th ’20 Hr2 COVID19_ViroMageddon_DepopVACC
Lowell Ponte, Financial Implosion, NWO Mark of Medical Martial Law, Cybertracking, Forced Vaccines, Secondary Sterile Population, MatriXX, End of NWO with Pole Shift Coming, P2 SuperNOVA Betelgeuse NOW !, Gravity Wave Ringwoodite Water Volcanoes MEGA Earthquakes POLE SHIFT 1600 miles South USA, Equator will be at Havanna CUBA, ViraGeddon Coming, Medical Martial NWO, Forced Vaccines,…
NutriMedical Report Wed Feb 12th ’20 Hr2 SARS Ponte RomeyRINO Trump20+
Lowell Ponte, Four Points on Corrupt Romney Senator Attacks on Trump, RINO Republi-Craps, SARS Super Weapon COVID-19 HIV via Colds, End of Public Safety, Biotech Around Trump, CDC Center for Disease Creation, WHO World Horrors Organizer, Suppression of True Dangers of SARS EMP Weapons of Indignation Nukes, Coming Geoclimatic Disasters, Dr Bill Deagle MD AAEM…
NutriMedical Report Wed Feb 5th ’20 Hr 2 SARS Potus SOU Speech LEFT !
Lowell Ponte, The Left is a Violent Contagion, Trump’s Peace Plan: Palestinians’ Last Chance for a Future, Pelosi Rips Up TRUMP SOU Speech, LEFT Losing It, End of Senate NO SENATE CONVICTION of Trump, Bill Deagle MD AAEM ACAM A4M, NutriMedical RepoShow,,,
NutriMedical Report Wed Jan 29th ’20 Hr 2 SARS & LEFT Politics Plaques
Lowell Ponte, Left is a Violent Contagion, SARS Super Bioweapon, Viral and Political Demonic Plaques, End of Civil Society, Start of Apocalyse, Bill Deagle MD AAEM ACAM A4M, NutriMedical Report Show,,,, The Left is a Violent Contagion Lowell Ponte explains what happens when gov’t force is part of one’s thinking WND, January…
NutriMedical Report Wed Jan 22nd ’20 Hr 2 Ponte Chinese Year of RAT !
Lowell Ponte, Year of Demock Rat, AOC and Xi of China Rat People, Devious Evil People ?, End of Hiding Population Control and Mark of Beast Biometric World ID 2020 Oct 1st, SARS airport 48 hours PCR Isolation at Port of Entry, Bill Deagle MD AAEM ACAM A4M, NutriMedical Report Show,,,, …
NutriMedical Report Wed Jan 8th ’20 Hr 2 Lowell Ponte Iran US Attack
Lowell Ponte, Demon-Rats Pseudo-Religion, Preying NOT Praying, Trump Counter to Iran, Kissim Solemani General Elmination, Counter-Strike Anemic 15 missiles NO US DEATHS, Saving Face for Iranian Mullahs, Rouhani Sent Missiles, Five Step Deagle Plan, 1/ Cut US to European Ally Finances if still dealing with Iran, 2/ Surgical Removal of Radar and Missile Bases in…
NutriMedical Report Wed Dec 18th ’19 Hr 2 Lowell Ponte
Lowell Ponte, Impeachment Lynch mob politics, Impeachment, Hamilton warned, could become lawless, solely political, Dr Bill Deagle MD AAEM ACAM A4M, NutriMedical Report Show,,,,, Impeachment: Lynch mob politics Lowell Ponte says most of what Congress does every day is an ‘abuse of power’ WND Dec. 12, 2019 URL: “Impeachment,”…
NutriMedical Report Wed Dec 4th ’19 Hour 2 Lowell Ponte Bloomberg Run
Lowell Ponte, Billionaire Michael Bloomberg Democrate Presidential Candidate 6% Now, Run with Media No Democrat Criticism, Social Control Freak, Coming MatriXX, Launch of 5G, DHS Dept Homeland Security, Plan to Chip US and All Countries Populations, Cameras Entrey and Exit All States and Countries, Oct 1st 2020 WORLD ID Cyberworld Starts, Watch The Feed Cybernetic…