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Gary Richard Arnold, NWO, New World Dis-Order, Pedophilia Luciferic Rule Over Nations, Names of Globalist Organizations and Individuals, Dr Bill Deagle MD, NutriMedical Report,,,,
Gary Richard Arnold
Save this “File” on your devise !!!
This File has been attacked multiple times … and disappeared.
It is back Today (For a Time) … 3/15/2018 … This exposes the 5th Column inside of the Hegelian Right.
Don’t lose your freedom and lives by being neutralized like an insect by the “global conspiracy fly-paper” designed for you to stick to and die.
Understand this … and strategize to defeat them … in the Centuries Old Epic Battle … this is a show down… this world is programmed to managed (you) culled serfs serving the state … or individual / self determination, and self government.
Use This Hyperlink Pass it on … Save it … A lesson in Evil Tactics … Get it to … Your extended family and friends … Understand this. People across the World now are identifying the Conspiracy … It is time for self-sacrifice and fight … or crawl in a corner and die because you have decided arrogant bastards have the right to dictate you and control your children.

Counterfeit Conservatives
The “Controlled Opposition” consists of not only the”left” and “Right” but the moderate middle.
The real political spectrum is the measure of the amount of government vs personal freedom.
The Conspiracy for World Government works through scores of organizations. The 50 plus pages will help Conservatives and Libertarians view the history of the “Loyal Opposition” … loyal not to individual rights but to not making mention of the conspiracy itself.
Check the videos on the history of the Council on Foreign Relations at:
Digest the secrets of the Shadow Government and don’t be conned. Think and Speak Up!
This original documentation of Counterfeit Conservatives is a lesson in critical thinking.
PS A few persons and institutions in this critique that have “redeemed themselves in whole or part “.. But the criticisms remain true for that time.
Recent criticisms … of apparatchiks and Stasied people on the “Right” can be found in other articles at
Original posting taken down a number of time by Deep-state and Rogue operatives Aug 31, 2017
The Coup Against America …
Ignorance is Evil
Skull & Bones Operation … Deep State Trained Operatives many likely by David Boren and placed Globally by Skull & Bones John Kerry, Panetta, Hillary, Brennan around the World to Destabilize and Overthrow Nations
for the NWO.
AVAAZ … International Intelligence network that apparatchiks are trained to produce and rally clueless grassroot bodies … for the controlled press to parley as popular support for the globalist’s support.
This is a world wide operation … not dissimilar to Governor California Brown’s Marxist cult leader Jim Jones.
Skull & Bones John Kerry with Twentieth Foundation financed Slut for World Government
Tom Perriello, Jr. President and chairman for the Center For American Progress.
Center for American Progress’s first president was Pizzagate accused pedophile John Podesta … who was espionage collaborator Leon Panetta’s right hand man. was co-founded by Res Publica, and, an American non-profit progressive socialist public policy advocacy group. It was also supported by Service Employees International Union, a founding partner.
In 2007, MoveOn was a co-founder of Avaaz, a similar organization with an international focus.
The Service Employees International Union and were also publicly recognized as founding partners of Avaaz: “ also enjoys the partnership and support of leading activist organizations from around the world, including the Service Employees International Union, a founding partner of Avaaz,, and many others.”
The silent voice behind Avaaz, that of Res Publica, is, in the public realm, essentially comprised of 3 key individuals: Tom Perriello, a pro-war (former) U.S. Representative who describes himself as a social entrepreneur, Ricken Patel, consultant to many of the most powerful entities on Earth and the long-time associate of Perriello, and Tom Pravda, a member of the UK Diplomatic Service who serves as a consultant to the U.S. State Department.
It is beginning with 700,000 members spread across 148 countries. It also has an Advisory Board that comprises politicians, diplomats, activists and celebrities from around the world…. Open Society Institute indeed made a one-year grant of $150,000 to Res Publica last summer to help them get Avaaz off the ground In addition to the $150,000 in seed money from George Soros’s Open Society Institute, Res Publica gave Avaaz $225,000 in 2006. (Form 990, page 18), $950,000 in 2007 (Form 990, page 18), and $500,000 in 2008 (Form 990, page 9). (Form 990 allows the IRS and the public to evaluate nonprofits and how they operate.)
Avaaz states that they take “absolutely no money from governments or corporations…. While we received initial seed grants from partner organizations and charitable organizations, almost 90% of the Avaaz budget now comes [from] small online donations.” The 2009 Form 990 for George Soros’ Foundation to Promote Open Society reports (page 87) $300,000 in general support for Avaaz and an additional $300,000 to Avaaz for climate campaigning.
The Avaaz co-founding team is comprised of a group of “global social entrepreneurs” from six countries: Executive Director Ricken Patel, Tom Perriello, Tom Pravda, Eli Pariser (MoveOn Executive Director), Andrea Woodhouse (consultant to the World Bank) Jeremy Heimans (co-founder of GetUp! and Purpose), and Australian entrepreneur David Madden (co-founder of GetUp and Purpose).
Ricken Patel (born January 8, 1977) is the Canadian/British [1] founding President and Executive Director of Avaaz , of Jewish Heritage.
In 2010 Avaaz paid Ricken Patel $183,264 as executive director, and paid Ben Wikler (Avaaz campaign director) $111,384 plus $921,592 in “campaigner fees and consulting” and $182,196 in travel expenses. During 2011, Avaaz did not miss a golden opportunity to set up a live-stream for the Occupy Wall Street protest in New York in order to give a voice to the “99%.” Yes, the rich get richer. The poor get poorer.
Patel was “earning money from the International Crisis Group and getting “consulting fees” from Move-On.Org (Soros)
Soros is known best as a multibillionaire currency speculator, and of late, an avid supporter of Occupy Wall Street. Soros is a former member of the Board of Directors of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The CFR is essentially the promotional arm of the ruling elite in the U.S. Most all U.S. policy is initiated and written by the exclusive membership within the CFR.]
In the instance of Burma, all Avaaz campaign donations have been directly funneled through the Soros Open Society Institute Burma Project (website). Although nowhere on the Avaaz website will you find any connection to George Soros, within this statement Patel clearly states that The Open Society Institute is in fact a partner of Avaaz. Why Avaaz chooses to funnel the money through the Soros foundation is not clearly understood ( right) but we might assume Soros insists upon it in order to control which groups .
Canadian conservative minister John Baird labeled Avaaz a “shadowy foreign organization” tied to billionaire George Soro
Avaaz supported the establishment of a no-fly zone over Libya, which led to the military intervention in the country in 2011. It was criticized for its pro-intervention stance in the media and blog
In the 2016 United States presidential election Avaaz campaigned against Donald Trump with the slogan “Defeat Donald Trump”, and produced a software tool to simplify overseas voter registration. and who partnered with the likes of such corporations as EDF Nuclear, Lloyds Bank, MTV, and other multi-national corporations who simultaneously destroy our shared environment. The organizations flourish under the guise and branding of “grassroots,” yet “grassroots” are generally not connected to the dominant global structures that are able to absorb, shape and dominate entire movements such as in the case of Tcktcktck at the climate change talks in Copenhagen.
According to Avaaz, this surge of an additional 3 million members or so was achieved in less than 30 days of an intense campaign against the Sovereign Syrian Government. What’s happening in Syria today is a destabilization campaign in which the terror unleashed upon the population is financed by foreign interests.
Fox’s John Hannity sells a lot of the bull crap. But like many on the “Left” are compartmentalized and fed via STASI tactics and believe what goes through their minds.
Avaaz Co-Founder and Executive Director: Ricken Patel
Life in the Champagne Circuit: In this photograph taken by AP Images for Avaaz, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, center left, accepts the ‘End the War on Drugs’ petition from Avaaz Executive Director Ricken Patel. Richard Branson.
Richardson Branson United Nations headquarters.
Ricken Patel is co-founder and executive director of Avaaz International. Patel has served as a consultant for the United Nations, the Rockefeller Foundation, the International Crisis Group, Harvard University, CARE International, and the International Center for Transitional Justice.
Patel’s consulting to the United Nations should be of little surprise. Like Avaaz, the United Nations has become nothing more than an instrumental tool that serves the interests of the Global Government imposing the protocols of the New World Order …Georgia Guidestones Genocide.
Among the organization’s key benefactors are the Rockefeller Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the William & Flora Hewlett Foundation, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Compton Foundation, and the Flora Family Foundation. In 2008 George Soros’ Open Society Institute pledged to give $5 million to ICG.
MoveOn was criticized by the Anti-Defamation League, among others, when a member-submitted advertisement which drew parallels between President skull & bones George W. Bush and Adolf Hitler was submitted to their online ad contest. Prescott Bush actually via Brown Brothers Harriman supported Hitler.
The ADL, an arm directly connected to the World Conspiracy … encourages / ignores such attacks on Trump.
The International Crisis Group was founded in January 1993 with former US diplomat and then-President of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Morton I. Abramowitz ( of course Red Ronnie appointed Abramowitz to the Director and Bureau of Intelligence and Research ) ( National Endowment for Democracy deep state foreign operations) {Note this is information G. Edward Griffin has spiked.} and the other founder was future World Bank Vice-President Mark Malloch Brown.
George Soros was involved in discussions early on … and provided seed money.
1994, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace announced plans for support for the Crisis Group, while former Congressman Stephen J. Solarz ( a degree from the Jewish Brandeis University toured foreign capitals to promote the new organisation and raise funds.
Carnegie Foundation before Alger Hiss …soviet spy / first acting head of the United Nations ran the organization … there was Nicholas Murray Butler.
Butler was a member of the Society of the Cincinnati that has been seized by those supporting Globalist Goals. Butler was behind Elihu Root a lawyer for monopolist Andrew Carnegie.
Elihu Root supported skull & bones William Howard Taft. Root’s clients included skull & bones E.H. Harriman, William C Whitney,
Winthrop, Stimson, Putnam & Roberts was a prominent New York law firm that traced its origins to a law partnership formed in New York in 1868. It merged with the San Francisco based law firm Pillsbury, Madison & Sutro
Elihu Root, was one of the firm’s founders and a US Secretary of State. Other members …
Felix Frankfurter, a member of the secret society Parushim (who G. Edward Griffin is intent on keeping a secret) legal scholar and US Supreme Court justice; and Henry L. Stimson (skull & bones) (Griffin excludes their involvement with the Federal Reserve), cabinet member under four Presidents of the United States, are among the attorneys who practiced at Winthrop Stimson.
The International Crisis Group gives advice to governments and intergovernmental bodies like the United Nations, European Union and World Bank.
It would be most likely … to those not deceived. That the Illuminati core … programs Avaaz and the International Crisis Group.
Corporations like Chevron and Shell, as well as some members listed on their websites as Anonymous fund the fraud that the newspapers … fool the totally deluded.
Crisis Group’s international headquarters have been in Brussels, with ‘advocacy offices’ in Washington DC, where it has been based as a legal entity, New York and London.
Crisis Group has had field offices in 30 locations
You can look at their work …that is intended to disarm the American People … and Impose World Government while reducing the population dramatically.
Crisis Group
[email protected]
Sandy Berger born of a Jewish family in NY.
In 1999, Berger was criticized for failing to promptly inform President Clinton of his knowledge that the People’s Republic of China had managed to acquire the designs of a number of U.S. nuclear warheads.
An associate of Berger said, Berger took one copy in September 2003 and four copies in October 2003, allegedly by stuffing the documents into his socks and pants. Berger subsequently lied to investigators when questioned about the removal of the documents.
Mr. Berger said he placed the documents under a trailer in an accessible construction area outside Archives 1 (the main Archives building)”.
Like Hilary giving 20 % of American Uranium to Russia is not a crime.
Mr Berger pleated to a misdemeanor.
Obama who appointed John Brennan and Angela Davis for President and vice president and then espionage collaborator Leon Panetta to head the CiA.
Lacking in good advisors Rand Paul approved Panetta for the appointment.
Obama … who dated the step daughter said of Phillip Jessup Jr. … praised Burger by saying …”Burger is remembered fondly within the ranks of the National Security Council, where those he mentored carry on his work. I’m grateful to Sandy because, as President, I’ve benefited personally from his advice and counsel.”
G. Edward
Griffin apparently
doesn’t want people to get the connection to Phillip Jessup / Phillip Jessup Jr. / ECLEI / Agenda 21 …and flood his Red Pill events with Neo-Con Globalists to dilute powerful research. from sources like Patrick Woods.